'Burmese Atho | How to make Burmese Atho | Burmese street food | Noodles recipe'

05:00 Apr 20, 2022
'#cooking #food #burmeseatho #burmesestreetfood # noodles recipe  egg bejo:  https://youtu.be/7BHq9Rx5ERE   Atho Ingredients:-  Noodles -- 200 gm\'s Pinch of food colour Garlic Onion Shredded cabbage - 1 cup Tamarind water Chilli powder Groundnut --2tbsp Fried gram --1/4 cup Salt water Fried crackers Chopped coriander leaves Oil Salt' 

Tags: Cooking , Food , noodles , street food , noodles recipe , burmese street food , burmese food , atho , burmese atho , Burma Atho , atho recipe , Burmese recipe , how to make burmese atho , how to make the

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